I entered localhost and 12080, as instructed.
I don't think I use a proxy to connect to the net. Not sure where to check this, though.
The problem as described isn't really intermittent - only once, for two page downloads using FF, has browsing been as normal when On-Access Protection Control has been on. The rest of the time - which is over a week now - the problem has been as described at all times when On-Access Protection Control has been on, and browsing has been normal at all times when On-Access Protection Control is off.
There is one other issue I have been experiencing that I haven't mentioned until now because I assumed it was not related to Avast. I mention it now in case it does offer some clue to you tech-initiated folk as to what could be amiss with Avast and the browsers. It has been occurring for 2 weeks or so - ie: before I changed from AVG to Avast. Anyway, it's this: autologin is not working in FF.
When this first started happening, which was suddenly one day, for no apparent reason, it also affected IE7. Sites I had been autologging into for literally months or longer suddenly asked me to log in. My username and PW were already filled out, but even when I ticked the box asking the browser to keep me logged in, it failed to do so next time I brought up the site(s). I restored the default settings in IE7, and that resolved the problem for that browser. The problem remains for FF, despite uninstalling and reinstalling it. Bewilderingly, last night I got a notice that FF had completed some upgrade (automatically...that is, I didn't manually upgrade it), and soon after, autologin started working in FF. This morning, it had stopped working again in FF. IE7 remains OK for autologin.
I was wondering if I have some virus or spyware messing things up, but AVG did not detect anything, and I ran a thorough check including archives when I downloaded Avast - again, nothing detected. I've run scans with Adaware and Spybot, also, and they have detected nothing.
Maybe I need to reformat Win XP. I bloody hope not, but I'm starting to get desperate. I'd better log off now, because as you know, I am unprotected any time I am online. Will check back later after I've uninstalled and reinstalled Avast.
Thanks to all for your help to this point.