Hi there,
and I am so grateful to you all for being there for us...its such a dark, lonely place when we've been violated!
I am still having problems with my monitor/system freezing. It gets blurry in safe mode - but I can still work. In normal mode I get pixels and total freeze and/or black screen. When I go to Vista's control panel of Problem Reports & Solutions I see DPFUSmgr - hung up, and under WINDOWS - Video Hardware Error.
I've gone the HJT route, Dr Cureit, Installed MBAM, ran a rootkit checker. Done boot scans, and thorough scans....I was infected from MySpace on 11/30, but everything looks copacetic now. My drivers appear to be all up to dae.
I am ready to move on. Before I do a total reinstall (which i will go back to XP!),
I have a full system backup from 11/16/09 on an external hard drive, which I leave off when not backing up.
My q: I can only work in Safe mode. And the Backup/Restore module will not come up in Safe mode. How do I easily restore?
Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart! Roberta
PS. I am attaching my combofix log