'Sorry if I haven't been clear. Let me try to clarify.
To answer your above questions:
Sconrad, are you sure the boot is ok?
I'm not sure which "boot" you're talking about. If you
mean the boot option of the CD, no, I suspect this isn't
working right. If you mean the HD, the server did
succeed in booting to the Desktop after the one time
it booted and kicked into a scandisk routine. (Since
I had just "pressed any key" to boot from the CD,
I had assumed the Windows splash screen, I saw,
was associated with the O/S loading from the CD.
I get the impression, now, that it detected the CD,
but couldn't find the necessary files to boot, so it
switched over to the HD.)
Are you using CD-R or CD-RW media?
I've tested it using both media. I've also tried using
Roxio (on another pc) and the Alex Feinman plug-in
on my own pc . . . both create a BART CD from the ISO
with 1 kb files at the root of the CD.
Are you saying the scandisk feature is 'messing' the GUI?
No. Scandisk kicked in when I tried to boot from the
BART CD. After it completed its repair, the Desktop
successfully came up--but no BART. I suspect whatever
is missing on the BART CD is preventing it from auto-
loading correctly.
Re: the Windows dialog box . . . I am talking here of placing
the BART CD in my own CD ROM drive, not the server's.
If I pop the BART CD in the drive of my XP PRO SP2 system,
Windows detects the CD but doesn't load any application.
It doesn't seem to know what to do with it.
I hope this clarifies things.