Thank you so much for answering my post so quickly.
I should have made my question a bit more specific. I have the Avast Home Edition and try as I may, I have not seen anywhere within its structure where I could "run a spyware scan" which is really what I'm looking for with regards to my original posted question. If I understood your post, the Avast programs protect our systems in all aspects not just in the virus arena.
To be quite honest, I thought the Avast Anti Virus was literally that, a program that protected our systems from virus invasion only.
I've run several "freebie" scans out there because of my playing on a specific game site when taking a break from writing. Right now, its showing "a boatload" of low threat spyware :'(
I'm sorry, but here comes a few questions, which I hope are more specific, regarding my spyware issue:
1. What if anything do I need to activate or can I activate a spyware scan/removal using my Avast Home Edition in order to keep
"the nasty critters"
off my system?
2. Is my spyware defense that you speak of within our Avast programs a "stand alone" program or do I need to have another program running simultaneously for added protection?
One of my biggest concerns is the % of free space on my system. In one (1) night, it is literally down from a total of 12.66GB of which 5.35GB is free = 42% free space. Last night it was reading 54% free space. As information, I did run my Avast Anti Virus scan and my system came up clean as a whistle--no trouble there thank goodness!
Avast is on point!
I do know the size of my system bites but since my book is on here, I'm way too superstitious at this point to change systems midstream. Hopefully, that will come after the first publishing...Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!
I can't begin to tell you how much you guys in support have taught me regarding computers; it is literally unbelievable!
My hope is that my additional questions and explanation are worded in such a manner so you won't have to repeat yourself. If you do, please remember, I'm a newbie when it comes to computer systems and their inner workings but I'm sure trying to absorb and learn.
thank you
so very much for your patience in helping me resolve my issue regarding spyware.
Have a good one!