But why do you rely on automatic actions ? I know it is the default option, but it is entirely your choice to leave it that way.
Greetz, Red.
With all due respect (and I am sorry my first post will be this way), that's a really unfair thing to say.
I'm pretty computer illiterate. Once PCs advanced past BASIC, I was outclassed
I nearly lost everything a few weeks back to Security Tool, so I got the free avast! and Spyware Doctor (paid for that, sadly) and Malwarebytes to add to McAfee to hopefully protect me.
I got hit with this last night, and it killed Spyware Doctor. I had no idea it was a definitions issue, and not being computer savvy, I assumed avast! was correct. Sure, I ran a quick scan with Malwarebytes and found nothing, but that in and of itself wasn't a guarantee.
Luckily, I found these threads this morning and realized it was a false positive.
Now, I put the items in the chest, and once I get home today I'll update definitions and hopefully restore Spyware Doctor, but some of us rely on those actions because we AREN'T that skilled.
I can understand that it was an error (and assuming my PC boots when I get home, I'll be okay with it), and not to go after avast! tooth and nail, but the "blame the victim" posts from some are rather unsettling. People install AV software for peace of mind, and to protect their PC (or the PC of a parent/child/whomever who doesn't understand any of this) -- there's no need to attack them or blame them for assuming their software was right in giving warnings ...
Take it and run,