Hi there,
I have a question: As you (perhaps) know there is a bug in the Firewall-Application-Rules-Tab which prevents AIS to create new groups if the group "Other" exists.
This problem is ther since the betas and still isn't fixed. Obviously you don't think that a user has more than 10 Programs which access the internet. There are Users with dozens of programs which access the internet and all are grouped under "Other" (if this group was created from AIS before).
I think this is very confusing to have some Programs which are listed under their manufacturer-group (as it shuld be) and most that are listed under "Other".
I think you should clearly make avast to create groups (but then do right assignments when there are manufacturer-infos in the exe-file of an application) or to simply list all applications in the Application-Rules-Tab alphabetically without creating any groups.