Sorry - I shouldn't post until I've had some sleep.
OK. There are three parts to any problem on computers: the user, the OS supplier (Microsoft in this case) and the app -- Avast!. All parts can contribute to a problem. The user can reduce the complexity of the problem by applying the updates and
service packs
supplied by first Microsoft and second by Alwil. Service Packs and updates address shortcomings and omissions not foreseen or noticed in the original software or which arise through normal development of other associated software.
We should note that much software generally is written with a bland assumption that the user will have applied the latest Service Packs. A good example is .418: it is supposed to be compatible with W2K SP4. Unfortunately, it's not. You NEED rollup 1. Then it works.
YoKenny is doing what every advisor should do. Maybe he is a little short and sharp. Maybe he should have a two-page document explaining in microscopic (no I'm not sorry -- the pun stays!) detail about the need for the latest updates. But then again he perhaps assumes some self-responsibility on the part of the user... He is doing what I would do in his position.
If people don't have the latest Service Pack, they should at least make the effort to get it (and install it
) before asking for help.