Hi I've never noticed any slowdown or anything with my laptop or desktop when Avast 5 updates
In Fact!
The first I usually know of an update.. When It's Over!
The pop up pops up - & - The woman's voice says..
" Your Virus Database Has Been Updated "Sometimes I might notice that an update is coming in by looking at my Firewall Icon in the Taskbar
Only because the icon animates when something is coming in and out of the computer.
But... I've Never Noticed! - Avast Updates Causing Computer Slowdown
PS.My son couldn't have noticed any slowdowns either.. Coz he would have complained by now
When We Had MSE .. Just for a week before Avast 5 came out.
My son fell out with MSE after just a few days
He had about 3 IE8 open
And 5 IE8 Tabs open
His online Game
Plus You Tube
When MSE decided to update
Java Crashed
IE8 Crashed
And... MSE Turned RED
MSE was immediately replaced by Avast 5