I've been using Avast 4.8 on my home computers for a couple of years, and on my Windows Home Server computer as well. Recently, my home computers started alerting me that my subscription was about to run out (true), so I used the functionality built into the client to buy a new 2 year license for 3 computers, expecting that I'd get a license for version 4.8. The license file delivered is for Avast 5.0 however, and can't be installed in Avast 4.8. Over a week ago, I submitted a support ticket describing the situation and mentioning that as I have and use Avast for Windows Home Server as well, I need to keep 4.8 on my home computers for compatibility reasons. 5 business days (effectively a full week) after my initial request, I received a reply telling me I should stay with Avast 4.8. No further help has been forthcoming.
So my question is: What do I have to do to get this resolved?