I noticed that avast 5 resident protection causes DPC latencies to become real ugly (up to 10 seconds and more!). This occured on 2 of my machines after updating from 396 to 418 and makes playback of any streaming content a very unpleasing experience. Problem still persists in version 462.
Maybe most of the users don't notice this because latencies reach disturbing levels only after several hours of uptime. I made a couple of measurments (on current version 5.0.462):
1. This is just after startup, nothing to complain about
2. About 12 hours of uptime, things are not so good, but still no drop-outs
3. About 48 hours of uptime, major problems here, any activity of any shield causes drop-out in multimedia playback
4. Measurments taken at the same time as 3, but with all shields disabled. No problems here.
Version 5.0.396 was OK after a two weeks of uptime, version 4 was also fine. Looks like something must have been screwed up in 418 and wasn't fixed in 462.
Same situation on 2 machines - desktop (CPU Atlhon 64x2 4200+, 2 gb of RAM, nvidia nForce 4 Ultra platform, nvidia 8800GT-based video card, ESI Juli@ PCI audio interface, I don't think rest of the devices matters much regarding to this problem) and Lenovo S10 netbook (I know it's not very powerful, but I didn't experience any problems with avast 396 on it). Both running Windows XP 32bit with SP3 and all updates.