I am new to this forum. After using the avast Virus Cleaning Tool version 1.0.157 Unicode, which came with my avast 4 Pro edition, I get the following typical message :
Memory scanning started...
No virus body found in memory.
Memory scanning finished (6.6s).
Files scanning started...
C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB824141$\user32.dll... file could not be scanned!
C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB824141$\win32k.sys... file could not be scanned!
C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB828035$\msgsvc.dll... file could not be scanned!
C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB828035$\wkssvc.dll... file could not be scanned!
No virus body found.
Files scanning finished (15781 files, 0 infected, 554.2s).
Drives scanned: C:
The list is about 10 times longer than this.
MY QUESTION : Should I be concerned about the message ...".file could not be scanned!...
. Are those particular files proteced by some virus or something
. or is the result OK.
Any advice welcome