That's ridiculous. If the machine can still execute code required to perform everyday operations like web browsing and email, there's no reason that some non-speed demon (obviously not yourself) can't get some use out of it. There are plenty of people, including, but not limited to, the elderly, for whom that system is perfectly adequate. I have tested everything in it to be certain that it will be reliable for years to come, and there's no reason to send it "fishing" just because it's not fast enough to pleasure your game spot.....
The "Model T" comparison also doesn't work, because we're not dealing with the huge reliability and safety differences between modern cars and the Model T. A better comparison would be a 2010 Audi R8 and a 1997 Ford Taurus. There's no question which is the more powerful car, no question which is nicer, or niftier, or more fun, but to someone who has no interest in or need to go fast, a well-maintained 1997 Ford Taurus can be just as useful as the R8, and far more within reach financially.
Anyhow, I don't want to have that discussion on this forum, as that's not at all what this forum is about, so in the future if you feel the need to insult frugality and the desire to reduce waste by extending the useful life of things already in existence, please do so privately.