I still continue to ask how Dr. Web CureIt can repair (cure) almost every patching virus there and why other antivirus instead of repairing and curing them they move to chest or delete?
I've been able to cure a lot of computers with the Free Dr. Web Cureit single desinfector file or with the Dr. Web Live Boot Scan CD, I'm sure that they both do not remove all viruses and some times they have FP but talking about curing the damage .exes and .sys files Dr.Web is a master doing that, after that I can use Malwarbytes or SAS to desinfect leftovers and than install Avast 5.
Don't you think it would be an example to follow? or am I thinking too high?
Anyway I would never leave Avast 5, this is my antivirus for more than 3 years and it's the best for me in prevention.