notme, can you search the board for the word 'Bulletin'?
Well, sorry, it's not personal, but I'm becoming tired of this ICSA issues
There are a lot of things that make us not believe in these tests, at least, deeply
Sorry Technical , to have touched a nerve there, if you CAREFULLY read my post it states AVAST PASSED the ICSA test . Bye the way GREAT JOB for doing so AVAST team, All I wanted to know was, what is the difference = paramaters , tests used etc.. between the 2 testing companys ? As far as I can tell they are the 2 most noted AV testers who all AV companys seek there recognition , or certification from.
I am no way slamming AVAST or yourself. I apologize for any hard feelings created. Feel free to delete this post.
I will not post in the future thanks notme...