I just don't agree that you can't use Internet Explorer. I like IE8 and I don't believe any other browser is inherently any more secure.
Now, now Dch48, no one is suggesting that you
can't use internet explody..er..explorer,
it is just that more malware was written for that browser because it was the most common one.
However, since others such as FireFox came along, the script kiddies have been all kiddy about
having something to do again.
The difference is, and I use FireFox as an example, alternative browsers for the most part came
out with plug ins right away in order to keep the code safe..like the ones in my signature.
Now it took a couple of late version changes before internet explody..sorry..explorer jumped on
the band wagon and figured they need to participate in closing the script kiddie gap.
I am sorry explody...sigh..explorer was such a late bloomer, even though it SHOULD have been the leader.
Ahh well, easy come, easy go