Downloaded and installed Comodo Aargh! It went ballistic. If anything it is worse than it was before!!! It was opening and stacking pop-up's so fast, on top of each other that I was unable to answer any request. Everytime I tried to tick a box or ask for further info, yet another pop-up appeared under my cursor, blocking the previous one! This was more than madness, it was complete and utter insanity!!! These were ALL software program's and hardware neccessities that were all being blocked too fast for me to resolve. The last straw or perhaps I should say the thing that made me pull myself together and be proactive. Was when it decided to block/shutdown my Internet wireless connection. I tried to get Windows to step up to the mark and repair it. It said there was nothing it could do and advised me to contact Belkin.
Then a glimmer of hope floated before my eye's. A pop-up, separated itself from the rest, giving me - or so I thought - a chance to respond in a more positive way. Than just sitting there with my mouth agape, helpless and hapless! It was asking me for my wireless password, so it could allow the connection to go ahead. Gleefully throwing caution to the wind, I typed in my password and clicked enter. As I did I felt the worries of the world being lifted from my shoulders. Only to come crashing back down, as almost immeadiately the message came back 'Not Accepted'.
I'm beginning to think Comodo has got some sort of vendetta against me!? I've uninstalled it and was immeadiately back on line and in control of of my PC and my life.
I shall now give PCTools a go. I'll let you know my findings.