So you never read THIS PAGE <>. If you did and followed the steps there, you would have been able to completely clear your system from all malware. It was your lack of knowledge who prevented you from getting rit of it. Be a sports and don't blame it on the applications.
No, I read that page, tried most of it. It was a dead end, at least it semed so to me. Safe mode had no effect on any of the scans. Two other people as well can't get rid of this thing following that pages directions, which, incidently, makes no mention of this problem. I find the claim that it removes ALL malware specious in the least.
As for blaming the application...I quote:
"The file system protection ensures that no virus will be started on the computer. It offers a wide range of settings - e.g. it is possible to specify that files will be scanned during copying, or that the scanning will include files with given set of extensions only."
This from Avast. I fail to see how scanning incoming files will prevent virus infection, since it is, and always will be, impossibe to know all virus's present on the Earth. It is an approach doomed to failure from the start. I don't mean to crtisize Avast, they all do it.
If what you had was any good, a Systen Restore will not get rid of it.
System restore doesn't delete every thing on your computer and put it back the way it was 1 month ago. That's not the way System Restore works.
Now if you had told me that you had an Image of your system from a month ago and knew that last month your system was clean of any infection and you then said I formatted my harddrive and installed the Image, then maybe you would have made sense.
The only good advice you mentioned was the fact of needing a Firewall.
Ah, that's what I did, an image of a month ago. I am not familiar with system Restore, and I don't trust it.
Thanks, all, for your help. This is my last word on the subject.
ps: except for this one.