These are no spam but legitimate online scanner results. If you post a link to a virus total result does it mean that you are promoting virus total? You people are all Avast fan boys and get worked up when avast does not so good in any detection test.
There is a legitimate purpose in posting virustotal links, so users might be able to scan suspect/infected files or show the results of an uploaded file. Kind of hard to do without giving the link, which is entirely different to what you are doing here. People aren't asking you for help or to do this, you are promoting it yourself for your own purposes.
Fanboy, you certainly haven't been here very long to try and label me with that one; if I see something wrong I raise the problem and shout about it like most of the others you try to attach that label 'because you don't like what they say' are just as quick to shout about a problem. Note I did say (often called link spamming) not that you are spamming.
No one has got worked up about avast not doing so good in your detection test, no one has mentioned it at all in this topic and I highly doubt they have even bothered to go to your site either. They tend to go on their own personal experience of avast. My personal experience is over six and a half years of using avast, with not a single infection and I have poked my nose into some dodgy sites whilst investigating topics in the viruses and worms forum.
Personally I feel you are wasting your time, given what has been said but those posting and the fact that this information is already available.