If you aren't aware of what you are doing is or may be illegal, people are suggesting otherwise as you are using the virustotal data for a purpose entirely different to what it was intended when you start to use that as collated data in 'your own' so called security report.
It is up to you to ensure that what you are doing with this data is legal and you can only do that by seeking advice, gaining permission from virustotal, it is as simple as that.
It has nothing to do with what other people are doing, it is what you are doing.
When links to virustotal are posted here it is for the purpose of confirmation of a particular detection by an avast user so that they can any appropriate action. They are posting a link to their particular upload and not collating data from virustotal into any report. So don't try to excuse what you do by other peoples action of confirming a detection, they aren't putting together a so called security report.
You have seen that people aren't interested in your site or report, take it where it is wanted. You are effectively link spamming to your site.