no it's not the only way, avoid this method as their download manager is not very good. The easiest way is to click on the link for "other operating system", choose your OS, and then you'll get a downlod link that will give you the flashplayer files directly (there are two, one for IE (ax), and one for other browsers). You need both, as you use Firefox, and it's better to update IE plugin too just in case
I always use the download manager and have never had a problem with it. There also is no reason to uninstall the older version first except for beta versions and they warn you about those.
DCH, stop the BS thanks
that download manager has been an issue for many, that's known, and it's always better to uninstall the old version, then reboot, and then install the new one. That's the only way to get a clean install of flash player as old version files don't get deleted unless you reboot.
Oh yeah, they may have optimized the DM for IE but as you know I hate IE, and guess what, the OP runs Firefox where that DM runs like crap.
Most of your posts consist in saying white when someone says black and vice versa, that's boring.