Kind of curious about how long it would take to create a work-around on this problem and have FFx 3.6.10 running again Sandboxed: ...it took no more than 8 minutes and now it is running fine and opening without problems SANDBOXED!
1.- Downloaded a fresh copy of FireFox 3.6.10 from Mozilla´s site
2.- Backed up my profile with MozBackup
3.- From the Add-Remove programs control panel, I Uninstalled FireFox deleting everything related to it (the uninstaller has this option)
4.- From the Add-Remove control panel I repaired avast´s installation
5.- Proceeded to install the fresh Firefox new version
6.- Re-boot the PC
7.- Right-click on Firefox´s icon and click on the "Always Run in SandBox" option
8.- Restored with MozBackup the original previously backed-up copy of my FFx profile
9.- Launched FireFox 3.6.10 ...and voila! FFx again is running SandBoxed
Total time from number 1 to number 9: 7 minutes and 30 seconds aprox
This does NOT mean that you guys from avast are exempt of the responsibility of fixing this bug ehhh???