Author Topic: [Resolved] CANT ACCESS INTERNET using avast AIS 5  (Read 64493 times)

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Re: [Resolved] CANT ACCESS INTERNET using avast AIS 5
« Reply #150 on: October 21, 2010, 02:35:32 PM »
Welcome cord_nash07

You should start a NEW TOPIC for your situation:;board=1.0

1. You can not run Eset Nod32 at the same time as avast! as the drivers will conflict
2. avast! V4.8 is quite old and support will stop shortly as avast! V5 has been out for over 8 months. 


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Re: [Resolved] CANT ACCESS INTERNET using avast AIS 5
« Reply #151 on: October 21, 2010, 03:17:03 PM »
i have repost it in a new topic.please search and help me. in my case, i have disabled in startup so it wont running


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« Reply #152 on: October 25, 2010, 04:47:23 AM »
Hello all,

I was having the same problem as most of you after installing Asvast 5 (couldn't connect; couldn't update; firefox connected to the net while IE wouldn't, blah, blah blah).  I am running Vista 32 SP2, having had at one point or another: Mcafee, Comodo and Zone Alarm and, thanks to alot of you and your advice, I got all the uninstallers I could find to clear up any traces of said former FW's/AV's.  YET STILL, I couldn't connect to the net through IE or update Avast.
Not sure if this will work for you but after having read countless forums and spending 3 DAYS trying to fix this (the Avast AV rating's just couldn't be pasted up-and for free) I found this little , itty bity thing that let Avast connect (at least for me).
Purely by accident I went into: Network and sharing (my LAN settings); clicked on view status then properties and LOW AND BEHOLD, there was an old, old setting for comodo still there from 2 years ago I had no idea was still active.  Soon as I deleted it, Avast worked, updated (quite quickly I might add) the whole bit!
Again, not sure if this will work for any of you but I finally got it going!  THANKS to all of you for the advice on how to clean up old crap from my "puter".  I appreciated all I've read and plan on spreading the info wherever I can!

Good Luck,