Hi Tech,
Good that you are trying to bring up some new ideas. Here is my take at it, I have tried to look at in all angles, might have missed some
Power, Delay and Area are the main constraints in any integrated chip(IC). They are the three corners of a triangle. If you want a good IC, place your circuit design at the centroid of the triangle - you will have a balance with all the three. Same is the case with any software. Protection, Delay and Memory are the three main constraints with any anti-virus. Right now avast is almost at the centroid of the triangle(at least the free version which I use, don't know about other versions). You try to add anything new, for eg, the sandbox thing, it increases protection, I agree, but at the cost of delay and memory. You try to increase one thing, you will get one or both of the other parameters affected. So think what you want
I can see an option to vote for "all users" For this to be in reality, people who design, need to extensively do research work how effectively they can do it -they may have to setup new automations to detect the "right" thing etc. Otherwise the zbot FP which once had occurred will happen often.
I can see an option to vote for "advanced users only" - I will not assume that you mean paid users. In fact, if you think a bit more, you will observe that advanced users seldom need such a thing, unless they don't know what they are doing, for which there is the normal sandbox option.
I really dont know how many layers avast guys are using to detect the file wether it is legitimate or not. So I really cant comment on this. But I can give you setup files(thousands) and exes(infinite) which don't have a signature. So decide which you want
I have all these things in my mind, the pros and cons. I may need help, if, I really want the new sandbox thing - If avast does it, I think I will need it, else I think its just fine. Finally, I haven't got an infection from the day have been using the PC with avast!.