Just commenting on how it removes essential .dll files when it's uninstalled, crippling other applications such as Avast!.
Of other applications, I agree. If the uninstall do this, bad.
In avast case, well, the self defense module SHOULD block this!
No, Tech, read what is removed. The .dlls in question are not Avast! specific files but rather parts of the C++ package that Avast! depends on in order to run. I know the gui part of Avast! will not open without those files but I'm not sure if the protection itself is affected.
exactly, the self-defense module defends Avast software, nothing else, so certainly not Visual Studio, even if Avast needs it and they included it in the package
Now yeah, that's pretty bad that OOO 3.3 beta got such a bug. It never un-installed Java, wonder why it removes C++, even if like Avast it needs it and has it, like Avast, in the package.
@DCH48 >>> most OpenOffice users are quite aware that this suite quality is far below the standards of quality of Microsoft Office. But in most cases, OpenOffice will just suits the needs, and it's free, when MS Office remains extremely expensive and not worth the investment for people who just need to type letters. There's nothing to demonstrate, that's how OOO became popular, not because it's good, but because it's good enough for a majority.