Woke up this morning and turned my computer on. To my surprise my system crashed, giving me a BSOD. I was finally able to log in after a second attempt, opened BlueScreenView and received the following:
Mini101110-01.dmp 10/11/2010 9:32:51 AM BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000c2 0x00000007 0x0000110b 0x08900006 0xae3e0b88 aswSP.SYS aswSP.SYS+1cb50 avast! self protection module avast! Antivirus System AVAST Software 5.0.677.0 32-bit C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini101110-01.dmp 2 15 6002
I don't recall Avast ever causing a system crash before. Incidentally I upgraded to version 5.0.677 about a week ago.
Has anyone experienced this problem? How did you resolve it? Thank you.