Today, in my e-mail, I've received what looks like a legitimate renewal promo, for 30% of the usual renewal fee for my 5-computer-licensed Avast! Pro.
I'm suspicious, however, because of four things:
(1) Though the e-mail came to my correct e-mail address, it was addressed (as you'll see in the copied text below) "Dear avast! customer";
(2) I did click on the link in the e-mail, but now I'm rather wishing I hadn't. Too late, now. It may be legit, but it does NOT have my actual account information in it when I go there. It does tell me I have a license for 5 computers, but it requires me to put in my account information, which I would think would NOT be necessary if this were actually sent out from the real Avast! subscription/billing department;
(3) When I go to the home page for Avast! and do a search, or look through all the support areas, I can find NOWHERE, where there is a "renewal" department, or any pages that come up with "renewal" in them; and
(4) The e-mail says that my license will expire in 30 days (the e-mail is dated November 8, 2010). That's not true. My Avast! information tab tells me that my license won't expire until January 25, 2011--still nearly 90 days away.
So...either something's fishy, or the promo department needs to upgrade its methods a bit! I would appreciate knowing whether or not I should go ahead through the e-mail link, because I really COULD use that 30% discount. That's a big deal when the entire license is going to be nearly $90, otherwise!
In case you need it, here's the text of the e-mail:
Dear avast! customer,
Thank you very much for using avast! antivirus. Your license will expire in 1 month. To stay protected you need to renew your security.
Special offer: If you renew now, you will receive a special 30% discount.
Click on the link below to purchase a new license key. The whole process will take only a few minutes to complete.
Renewal link with 30% discount:
If you need any help please contact our help team at
Thank you again for choosing avast! antivirus.
We hope your computer and data stay safe and secure.
The avast! team
This email was sent to your e-mail address because this is the address that was used when your avast! purchase was registered. If you did not register the product yourself (e.g. somebody else registered on your behalf), please forward this message to