My external USB drives can't be ejected even with current version 6.0.1000, as of March 2011.
First, I don't connect the drive until **hours** after my computer has been started and I've logged on (so the 8-minute root kit scan shouldn't be a factor).
Second, all other precautions have been accounted for:
recycle bin disabled for drive,
indexing disabled,
drive optimized for quick removal.
Today, I've found the only solution to ejected a drive SAFELY (even when I disable all Avast shields and ensure that no processes are currently accessing the drive, unplugging it causes Windows Vista to dump all physical memory and shutdown/reboot/restart...this is really annoying...before I could unplug USB drives that WERE NOT safely removed, but the worst that would happen is that Seagate would warn me that a drive was corrupted (not true, verified by a full chckdsk scan).
Here's MY workaround for ensuring that a drive can be ejected:
1. Before ***even connecting the USB drive*** do the following:
----freeagentGOnextSERVICE---stop the service, using TaskMgr's Services tab (if it even exists)
----disable **all* avast shields (I just choose "1 hour" since my drives are only connected for 5 minutes)
----avast! antivirus--- stop the service, using TaskMgr's Services tab (not the avastGUI service, it doesn't really matter)
2. Connect the USB drive
3. When you are ready to eject the USB drive:
----run processexplorer, search / "Find" all processes that start with "F:" or whatever your drive letter is
----Close / kill the 4 metadata processes
-----then SAFELY REMOVE three times in a row (first 2 times, I get "drive in use / still in use" warning, but the 3rd time I got the all clear.
4. RESTART avast!antivirus service (using taskmgr, Services tab)
5. Enable / restart all avast shields again.
Does anyone think there is an easier workaround?
It would be nice to only have to, for example, disable the BEHAVIOR SHIELD **before** connecting the USB drive (even if computer has already been on for hours), in order to be able to safely remove the drive later, instead of having to completed stop ALL avast shields AND stopping the avast service in TaskMgr.