i have installed ABP too now
I will start with a compliment: It looks really user friendly and i believe the simularity with the client software interface makes it very easy to work with for both sides (admin and client side).
these quirks (not bugs) i found during installation and configuration
1) The IIS installer runs in command prompt. Please HIDE the command prompt and show in the installation interface
that IIS is getting installed. It doesn't need a progress bar since the cmdp doesn't show progress, but don't show the prompt
please! this was already a really annoying thing to see with the mirror installation for ADNM (which could have easily be
inserted in the gui)
2) Is it possible to hide the installation screens from the SQL 2008 express installation and show a screen that sql is
getting downloaded and after that getting installed is sufficient. Too much mumbojumbo during installation.
If it is possible to hook into the setup with some API to monitor the installation it would be great, but not needed.
3) As stated in the release notes the INSTALLING SERVICES takes a long long time... 40MB is not that much, what is the current
upload speed from your beta location because waiting literally 1 hour on 40MB is not really acceptable in my point of business
view. I consider this at this moment slow because of the low resources that have been given which will improve when the RTM
version is released
(installation seems to download something but for at least on hour at the point of screenshot)
after installation my mirror directory is 351MB. Did it download compressed files and uncompressed them for use? Or is the given
40MB in the release notes faulty?4) Installation guide page 6 footnote still speaks of Small Business Console
5) The console has an option JOBS under that title is (standard selected) SCHEDULER. This is i believe an incorrect naming since it is the
job management (create/run/edit) portion. A better name would be appreciated. Maybe job manager or job maintenance (should fit in the GUI).
Possibly a third separate option could be made for just scheduling the jobs...
6) In the jobs part there are start buttons. If you want to edit you have to click on more details and then settings.
Maybe its possible to put a (smaller) extra button or link in the main view for editing a job? if wished... i would appreciate it
7) the cancel button on the log-in screen for the console has no function.
these quirks, or small possible bugs, i found during installation and configuration which to me are really annoying:
1) during setup i want to choose where i place the mirror directory..!!
Please make it so that the mirror can be placed on a different disk/partition during install which is meant to store large ammounts of data.
Now there is a load of data in a place where it is not wanted (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\mirror\)
I want to choose the mirror location during setup, which leaves you free to suggest the above path as standard one.
Same goes actually for:
- Configuration directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Config\)
- Distribution directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Distrib\)
- Log directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Logs\)
- Packages directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\packages\) (config bug??)
-What are the differences between the mirror/distrib/packages directories? Why is the packages directory a configuration of the mirror but
does it not get placed in the mirror directory?
If those separate directories are needed, make a configurable option for the BASE path. If that base path is not sufficient for a directory
THEN i want to be able to change the path location for that option. Now its moving paths one by one (and manual, no browsing the roots)
-The mirror log is not placed in the given directory but i found it in the c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\logs directory
2) No good integration (again!!!) with Active Directory: user is an ABP controlled account, as result also likewise the passwords with their
Meaning i have to hold yet another user/password/configuration administration and documentation.
The AD containers are not used as structure either for groups. Maybe in a later release the option to configure the groups like the AD OU's
would be able to be checked and discovery and setup would put all the computers (desktops and servers) in their appropriate place.
Taking away more administration/documentation and argumentation on the administrator side
3) In the admin settings there are advance settings. You have to double-click to change settings. That's ok for settings you HAVE to enter manually
but for a TRUE/FALSE setting, make it a drop-down menu with the choices there are please. That way there is no room for error on those values.
4) There is also NO check on numeric/alphanumeric values: at the passwords minimum length i filled in A for value (instead of a numeric value) and
saved without problems.
5) changing the mirror directories doesn't work (there are existing directories where i pointed the new ones to). Updating the mirror manually
results in an error. This error is been told to check out in the summary screen, but there is no notification in the screen.
Changing back the directories to the original locations fixes the update error and runs then successfully.
Nowhere in the logs i found i could find anything about the error.
6) logging in the console remotely doesn't work. I get the log-in screen but the login with correct credentials results in an eternal loop trying
to login. Locally login works fine.
see first screendump.
7) cant drag/drop computers into a (new created) group. Have to choose per computer in the details which group it should go in. This is impractical
since i will have a sh*tload of computers and servers to sort into groups.
8 ) remote deployment doesnt work with the domain user (yes i used the administrator for testing so all rights are there). Have to use a local
computer account for succesful deployment.
9) automatic localisation on the client.... if something gives me a near brain aneurism it is localization. I do not wish to see the crappy dutch
localisation on a client.
Please make a setting in the console for the language the client is shown in.
My users are not getting in Avast, i am, and i dont want to see dutch translations on computer information.
kudo's for:
1) slick interface
2) the /verysilent argument on the deployment string
(see deployment log)
3) the rapid remote deployment on win7 without a reboot
This is my experience so far, now im ready for the rest tomorow....
How will licensing go?
My current contract is goin to expire this month and i do wish to continue with Avast but since the whole ADNM/ABP is different from
eachother i assume there is a different licensing model too?