Author Topic: Early beta released...  (Read 49484 times)

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Offline vojtech

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Re: Error install omn SBS 2011
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2011, 03:18:29 PM »

I've downloaded the required files from the links provided here and installed it on a fully patched brand new SBS 2011 server. Installation starts perfectly but at the end I receive the errormessage "4154. SQL Server 2008 Express R2 x64 prerequisite was not correctly installed. Continue installation of Avast! Administration Console?"
If I continue the setup is aborted...

Has anyone the same experience?

Best regards,

Victor Max

Did you see the download progress of the SQL installer ?


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2011, 03:28:24 PM »
If you are just after workaround, perhaps installing it manually could help? Download: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Express


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2011, 04:51:17 PM »
I have installed ABP on a Win2k8 R2 machine (meaning x64)
I waited almost an hour for the installation to finish....
didnt install a client on the machine yet tho, did install remote deployment of win7 SP1 32bit machine


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2011, 04:55:36 PM »
i have installed ABP too now

I will start with a compliment:  It looks really user friendly and i believe the simularity with the client software interface makes it very easy to work with for both sides (admin and client side).

these quirks (not bugs) i found during installation and configuration

1) The IIS installer runs in command prompt. Please HIDE the command prompt and show in the installation interface
   that IIS is getting installed. It doesn't need a progress bar since the cmdp doesn't show progress, but don't show the prompt
   please! this was already a really annoying thing to see with the mirror installation for ADNM (which could have easily be
   inserted in the gui)

2) Is it possible to hide the installation screens from the SQL 2008 express installation and show a screen that sql is
   getting downloaded and after that getting installed is sufficient. Too much mumbojumbo during installation.
   If it is possible to hook into the setup with some API to monitor the installation it would be great, but not needed.

3) As stated in the release notes the INSTALLING SERVICES takes a long long time... 40MB is not that much, what is the current  
   upload speed from your beta location because waiting literally 1 hour on 40MB is not really acceptable in my point of business
   view. I consider this at this moment slow because of the low resources that have been given which will improve when the RTM
   version is released :)
   (installation seems to download something but for at least on hour at the point of screenshot)
   after installation my mirror directory is 351MB. Did it download compressed files and uncompressed them for use? Or is the given
   40MB in the release notes faulty?

4) Installation guide page 6 footnote still speaks of Small Business Console :)

5) The console has an option JOBS under that title is (standard selected) SCHEDULER.  This is i believe an incorrect naming since it is the
   job management (create/run/edit) portion. A better name would be appreciated.  Maybe job manager or job maintenance (should fit in the GUI).
   Possibly a third separate option could be made for just scheduling the jobs...
6) In the jobs part there are start buttons. If you want to edit you have to click on more details and then settings.
   Maybe its possible to put a (smaller) extra button or link in the main view for editing a job? if wished... i would appreciate it :)

7) the cancel button on the log-in screen for the console has no function.

these quirks, or small possible bugs, i found during installation and configuration which to me are really annoying:

1) during setup i want to choose where i place the mirror directory..!!
   Please make it so that the mirror can be placed on a different disk/partition during install which is meant to store large ammounts of data.
   Now there is a load of data in a place where it is not wanted (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\mirror\)
   I want to choose the mirror location during setup, which leaves you free to suggest the above path as standard one.
   Same goes actually for:
   - Configuration directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Config\)
   - Distribution directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Distrib\)
   - Log directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\mirror\Logs\)
   - Packages directory: (c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\packages\)  (config bug??)
   -What are the differences between the mirror/distrib/packages directories?  Why is the packages directory a configuration of the mirror but
   does it not get placed in the mirror directory?
   If those separate directories are needed, make a configurable option for the BASE path. If that base path is not sufficient for a directory
   THEN i want to be able to change the path location for that option. Now its moving paths one by one (and manual, no browsing the roots)
   -The mirror log is not placed in the given directory but i found it in the c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\logs directory

2) No good integration (again!!!) with Active Directory:  user is an ABP controlled account, as result also likewise the passwords with their
   Meaning i have to hold yet another user/password/configuration   administration and documentation.
   The AD containers are not used as structure either for groups. Maybe in a later release the option to configure the groups like the AD OU's  
   would be able to be checked and discovery and setup would put all the computers (desktops and servers) in their appropriate place.
   Taking away more administration/documentation and argumentation on the administrator side

3) In the admin settings there are advance settings. You have to double-click to change settings. That's ok for settings you HAVE to enter manually
   but for a TRUE/FALSE setting, make it a drop-down menu with the choices there are please. That way there is no room for error on those values.

4) There is also NO check on numeric/alphanumeric values:  at the passwords minimum length i filled in A for value (instead of a numeric value) and
   saved without problems.

5) changing the mirror directories doesn't work (there are existing directories where i pointed the new ones to). Updating the mirror manually
   results in an error. This error is been told to check out in the summary screen, but there is no notification in the screen.
   Changing back the directories to the original locations fixes the update error and runs then successfully.
   Nowhere in the logs i found i could find anything about the error.

6) logging in the console remotely doesn't work. I get the log-in screen but the login with correct credentials results in an eternal loop trying
   to login. Locally login works fine.
   see first screendump.

7) cant drag/drop computers into a (new created) group. Have to choose per computer in the details which group it should go in. This is impractical
   since i will have a sh*tload of computers and servers to sort into groups.

8 ) remote deployment doesnt work with the domain user (yes i used the administrator for testing so all rights are there). Have to use a local
   computer account for succesful deployment.

9) automatic localisation on the client.... if something gives me a near brain aneurism it is localization. I do not wish to see the crappy dutch
   localisation on a client.  
   Please make a setting in the console for the language the client is shown in.
   My users are not getting in Avast, i am, and i dont want to see dutch translations on computer information.

kudo's for:

1) slick interface
2) the  /verysilent   argument on the deployment string ;) (see deployment log)
3) the rapid remote deployment on win7 without a reboot

This is my experience so far, now im ready for the rest tomorow....

How will licensing go?
My current contract is goin to expire this month and i do wish to continue with Avast but since the whole ADNM/ABP is different from
eachother i assume there is a different licensing model too?


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2011, 08:35:03 AM »

thanks for the long summary of issues and suggestions you found, I'll only address the topics I feel are critical, so sorry if something is missing.

4) Installation guide page 6 footnote still speaks of Small Business Console :)
Old name, the product was renamed quite recently. Thanks for pointing this out.

6) In the jobs part there are start buttons. If you want to edit you have to click on more details and then settings.
   Maybe its possible to put a (smaller) extra button or link in the main view for editing a job? if wished... i would appreciate it :)
This behavior is same as in standalone avast application. We don't feel it's necessary to change, in fact, you like it's similarities with the traditional avast...

1) during setup i want to choose where i place the mirror directory..!!
On one hand, I can understand your wish to "control" applications on your computer, on other I have some counter arguments that I will shortly present here with a few options:
a) This folder name really says it all - it's "ProgramData". Data managed by the program. Average user (or even well above average user) really has no clue what these files contain and how they could use these.
b) The more locations your product (product sections) resides in, the harder the config&support. So, now we only have to point the user to one folder and everything interesting for the support/dev should be "here" or in it's sub folders.
c) Workaround: If you wish to have such data on a different partition (or a physical hard drive), change the windows settings to point to a location you wish to use. All well-behaved applications should then pick up the new setting and your program data will reside elsewhere. I understand having this on a different physical hard drive can sometimes increase performance etc...
d) PS: To ease the pain a little bit, consider apps such as certain editions of Outlook or Outlook express... These even stored your emails in the ProgramData, now that's something I would not be sure is pure "prog data". With the mirror files, I am sure they're in proper location.

2) No good integration (again!!!) with Active Directory:  user is an ABP controlled account, as result also likewise the passwords with their
   Meaning i have to hold yet another user/password/configuration   administration and documentation.
   The AD containers are not used as structure either for groups. Maybe in a later release the option to configure the groups like the AD OU's  
   would be able to be checked and discovery and setup would put all the computers (desktops and servers) in their appropriate place.
a) Currently we don't support AD users. Future releases may have this option, in future releases user roles will be introduced, but not for this release.
b) AD groups won't be reflected into our product. AD groups are hierarchical, our groups are not. The product is meant to be easy to understand and handle. Tree structure is difficult to comprehend and manage for not-so-advanced user, so we decided not to support hierarchies, thus we can't mimic this behavior of AD or other LDAP store.

3) In the admin settings there are advance settings. You have to double-click to change settings...
A word of advice: don't change anything here. The system should work with what ever advanced settings it was shipped with and if you don't know what you're changing, you could cripple the whole app... Don't touch this, please. It's a dangerous place and you could get your self into state where we won't be able to help you. But you've read that in the dialog you had to click, right?  :D

5) changing the mirror directories doesn't work (there are existing directories where i pointed the new ones to).
No, it does not work. This operation is not supported and will not be supported at least for this major release.

6) logging in the console remotely doesn't work. I get the log-in screen but the login with correct credentials results in an eternal loop trying
   to login. Locally login works fine.
Logging in trough a proxy? There are known issues in such scenarios, we're working on fixing this.

7) cant drag/drop computers into a (new created) group. Have to choose per computer in the details which group it should go in.
Next beta version will contain better "bulk" actions just for this purpose, we're currently in the process of internal testing of this.

8 ) remote deployment doesnt work with the domain user (yes i used the administrator for testing so all rights are there). Have to use a local
   computer account for succesful deployment.
Way too many things can go wrong - this process is quite complicated. Look into the logs (aswrinst.log and the service log) for more info, might help you a bit.

9) automatic localisation on the client.... if something gives me a near brain aneurism it is localization. I do not wish to see the crappy dutch
   localisation on a client.  
I like this, we'll give this a tought for future release, for the time being, bear with us...




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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2011, 09:43:37 AM »
1) during setup i want to choose where i place the mirror directory..!!
On one hand, I can understand your wish to "control" applications on your computer, on other I have some counter arguments that I will shortly present here with a few options:
a) This folder name really says it all - it's "ProgramData". Data managed by the program. Average user (or even well above average user) really has no clue what these files contain and how they could use these.
b) The more locations your product (product sections) resides in, the harder the config&support. So, now we only have to point the user to one folder and everything interesting for the support/dev should be "here" or in it's sub folders.
c) Workaround: If you wish to have such data on a different partition (or a physical hard drive), change the windows settings to point to a location you wish to use. All well-behaved applications should then pick up the new setting and your program data will reside elsewhere. I understand having this on a different physical hard drive can sometimes increase performance etc...
d) PS: To ease the pain a little bit, consider apps such as certain editions of Outlook or Outlook express... These even stored your emails in the ProgramData, now that's something I would not be sure is pure "prog data". With the mirror files, I am sure they're in proper location.

jx: I feel this is really critical - this must be customizable. These kind of mirrors tend to blow up in size quickly. The way we have set up our servers is that there is a relatively small system partition which gets frequently imaged so that

- you can  perform the back up quickly in a time window that doesn't interfere with productivity
- restore the servers to a working state very fast in case of crash. Stuff like WSUS updates and similar resides on a different volume and while still backed up, it is much less frequently since it simply is not critical (we talk about daily vs. biweekly approximately). Simply because these data can be downloaded again without any information loss, at just the cost of the bandwidth. Either by replication from other LAN servers or, worst case, redownloaded from upstream ones.
- I had an experience with Symantec Endpoint Protection which was heavily confused by workarounds such as symlinks/hardlinks/junctions. Pretty sure sloppy programing (the entire SEP thing has been an absolute nightmare) but better to avoid such design problems from the very beginning.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 09:45:17 AM by doktornotor »


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2011, 11:59:02 AM »
Since your post is humongous with the quotes in it ill just quote your answers that i want to argue about :)
(keep in mind that i still see this as a business product and thus should be treated as such with installation, configuration and maintenance and thus also has to comply to set standards within the company)

(is it wise to make a separate thread for this judged on the sizes of our postings? if so could you make it happen?)

I also found new problems, see below the quotes

Quote from: wpn on Yesterday at 16:55:36
1) during setup i want to choose where i place the mirror directory..!!

On one hand, I can understand your wish to "control" applications on your computer, on other I have some counter arguments that I will shortly present here with a few options:
a) This folder name really says it all - it's "ProgramData". Data managed by the program. Average user (or even well above average user) really has no clue what these files contain and how they could use these.
b) The more locations your product (product sections) resides in, the harder the config&support. So, now we only have to point the user to one folder and everything interesting for the support/dev should be "here" or in it's sub folders.
c) Workaround: If you wish to have such data on a different partition (or a physical hard drive), change the windows settings to point to a location you wish to use. All well-behaved applications should then pick up the new setting and your program data will reside elsewhere. I understand having this on a different physical hard drive can sometimes increase performance etc...
d) PS: To ease the pain a little bit, consider apps such as certain editions of Outlook or Outlook express... These even stored your emails in the ProgramData, now that's something I would not be sure is pure "prog data". With the mirror files, I am sure they're in proper location.
a) I know the function for this directory and im happy with that directory. But for the ABP the size of the directory can run up to xxxGB if you keep it running long enough i believe. Next to that i do NOT want xxx clients to put a load on my C: drive. The C: drive is my OS disk not my fileserving fileshare. If clients update they take performance away from my OS disk. I have special other RAID disks for data usage that are in a cheaper setup then a mirror raid setup.
Now i hear you say:  But other programs make use of it too
Not entirely: The business programs that use it have very little data in it compared to ABP mirror directory. Because also they let you choose where the real data directory has to be place.
b)Thats a mather of view; If i point the base directory (see a later point in my previous post) points to for example  D:\AVAST_DATA\  then all the necessary directories kan still reside in that directory and thus easy accessible for tech support. Maybe its able to be mentioned on the summary page, data directory: x:\xxxxxx
c)I know the workaround will work and its also what i figured. But to change an OS setting to be able to put dynamic data from a program on a location I wish/require it to be, thats so not done! Ill quit my job if my company tells me that i have to change an OS setting for this :)
d)This product should be installed on a machine that is not used for regular daily work, programs that are not following the new stricter rules for programdata locationing should not be present on that machine therefor. :)
(but i get your point, there are still plenty of programs that do not comply to the better rules)

no good AD integration

a) Currently we don't support AD users. Future releases may have this option, in future releases user roles will be introduced, but not for this release.
b) AD groups won't be reflected into our product. AD groups are hierarchical, our groups are not. The product is meant to be easy to understand and handle. Tree structure is difficult to comprehend and manage for not-so-advanced user, so we decided not to support hierarchies, thus we can't mimic this behavior of AD or other LDAP store.
a)I strongly suggest that a future release should have AD user support. This is a business product which works optimal in an AD environment. Like you said in the above quote point B: its harder to support/config/maintain if i need to keep a separate administration for yet another software package. Most of the current business products use windows authentication (ad accounts) for user control, why again not this business product....
b)Clear on that point. no need to argue about it more :)

3) In the admin settings there are advance settings. You have to double-click to change settings...

A word of advice: don't change anything here. The system should work with what ever advanced settings it was shipped with and if you don't know what you're changing, you could cripple the whole app... Don't touch this, please. It's a dangerous place and you could get your self into state where we won't be able to help you. But you've read that in the dialog you had to click, right?

5) changing the mirror directories doesn't work (there are existing directories where i pointed the new ones to).
No, it does not work. This operation is not supported and will not be supported at least for this major release.

Dialog?? which dialog?? ;)
If i should not change it, make it not changeable :)  its like saying:  here is 1000 dollar for your knee surgery but your not allowed to pay with that 1000 dollar. lol :)
In the advanced settings are the settings for the directory for the mirror datalocation.
Basicly whats the point of the advanced settings if you cant change them to operate within my set parameters :)

So in the next/later release or at least in the final product, changing these settings will work so i can comply to company standards of large quantities of data storage?
May i suggest to make a BASE PATH (suggested in original posting at another point too) instead of all the directories separate paths...

6) logging in the console remotely doesn't work. I get the log-in screen but the login with correct credentials results in an eternal loop trying
   to login. Locally login works fine.

Logging in trough a proxy? There are known issues in such scenarios, we're working on fixing this.
In my test enviroment i do have TMG running. Tho i use firefox4.0 to login which is set to use NO PROXY (so not autodetect proxy either).
I turned of TMG machine, turned of any kind of firewall on client and server, rebooted client just to be sure
This helped. i could log in remotely now. So i guess its the proxy that you mentioned

Next beta version will contain better "bulk" actions just for this purpose, we're currently in the process of internal testing of this.
if my GF wasnt of the jealous type, i would say i love you guys

8 ) remote deployment doesnt work with the domain user (yes i used the administrator for testing so all rights are there). Have to use a local computer account for succesful deployment.

Way too many things can go wrong - this process is quite complicated. Look into the logs (aswrinst.log and the service log) for more info, might help you a bit.
I turned on all requirements for remote deploy (since it was succesful with a local account)
I checked the logs, hence i changed to the local account. The logs told me error 2202
wNetAddConnection2 \\TEST-CL-001\c$ TEST-CL-001\ error 2202 (The specified username is invalid.
(your missing the closing bracket there in that line at the end)
See attached logs, there is an error 1 minute later then the above error in the service log. Its a timeout error
(later today or in the weekend i will put up a new client and also turn of the firewalls on the Domain Controller to test)
I typed the username in this form:
The password i typed in several times and in jostistyle (dutch people know what i mean here ;))
so i am 1000% sure i typed all correct and it didnt work with above error....
i changed the account to the local admin (which i had to activate for it since its win7) and it worked like a charm and damn fast too :)

9) automatic localisation on the client.... if something gives me a near brain aneurism it is localization. I do not wish to see the crappy dutch localisation on a client.  

I like this, we'll give this a tought for future release, for the time being, bear with us...
I can bear with you, no problem, its a beta release for a reason no? :)
As long as i can choose which language i want to see in the client (per group?) im happy.
Per group would be nice since i can have 2 office locations which are bilingual then where i choose the computer i support for english ofcourse :D

-added the mentioned new problem below
- i will post the service log in a new posting since the forum keeps telling me the file is too large (192kb)

New found problems:

I manage to log in remotely now with firefox4 (see one of the quotes what i did on your mentioning)

Now i can login except when i click on NETWORK GROUPVIEW and i want to create new groups i have to fill in all details myself. If i want to edit an excisting group, i dont see the settings its all blanc....

Next i clicked on GRIDVIEW and the program crashed (see attached screenshot)

If you need anything more from this tell me
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 12:09:15 PM by wpn »


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2011, 12:09:51 PM »
Here the service log (from ABP) since the previous post kept telling me that the filesize was too large
And for the rest see the points doktornotor makes over the location of the mirror

another issue (known?):

My remote deployed client stays grey and gets its updates from internet.
The proxy is not in the middle anymore so if that could be the problem, its eliminated (see the remote console login)
None of the logfiles gives me the installation server name either
(logs: C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log)

the job logs are reporting about 30 to 60 seconds faster then the GUI.

[edit (15:18 gmt+1)]:
Cant get a remote install on my exchange server.
The rminst log keeps coming with
03/24/11 15:17:00:   rinstInitLibrary 14
03/24/11 15:17:00:   rinstInstall begin
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Init 1 10 c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\Packages\admin.ini c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\Packages\setup.exe NULL NULL 60 6
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Starting "c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\Packages\setup.exe" /verysilent /managed /edition "6" /netcl_addr "TEST-PRJ-01.TESTBZW.LOCAL" /netcl_port "25322" /admin "c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\Packages\admin.ini" /sfxstorage "c:\programdata\avast software\administration console\Packages"
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Setup exit code 0x20000000
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Store
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Domains: TESTBZW.LOCAL,
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Init TESTBZW.LOCAL\TEST-EXCH-01
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: GetAccount
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: Queueing
03/24/11 15:17:00:   StartThread
03/24/11 15:17:00:   Loop
03/24/11 15:17:00:   SpawnThreads
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: StartSetup
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: Connecting
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: OpenSCManager error 5 (Access is denied.

03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: OpenSCMImpersonated
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: AdjustTokenPrivileges return 1300
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: LogonUser administrator testbzw.local error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: RemoveOnError
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: CloseConnection
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: Finished with error
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TerminateAll
03/24/11 15:17:00:   rinstInstall end 0

I am using the same credentials as mentioned for my client deployment, i made all passwords the same
the local admin should be able to install an AV
the domain/enterprise/schema administrator should be able to play god on that machine really but it doesnt, got degraded to pleb im afraid
No interesting logging in the service log
03-24 15:17:06,938 [SchedulerCache] INFO  EventsDatabase - Flushing provider status cache.
03-24 15:17:16,939 [SchedulerCache] INFO  EventsDatabase - Flushing provider status cache.
03-24 15:17:26,941 [SchedulerCache] INFO  EventsDatabase - Flushing provider status cache.
03-24 15:17:36,942 [SchedulerCache] INFO  EventsDatabase - Flushing provider status cache.

[/end edit]

another request:  can you permanently put in the client interface which server is used for updating the last attempt (ip or dns)

To be clear for my test enviroment:
ABP / DC / Exchange / sharepoint run all on Win2k8 R2 x64 english
Test Clients run on Win7 x32 dutch

A guilt question:
Did any of the developers even bother to take a look in this thread (and do something with it):  wish list new adnm
its a list of wishes where a part of the above discussion is part of... (surprisingly its created by someone called WPN in conjunction with other evangelists)

edit2 (16:28):
I cant install the managed client from the FIPO on a server. It tells me the client is not for installation on server OS.

this is the log for that installation

24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Started: 24.03.2011, 16:28:07
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Running setup_ais-3e8 (1000)
24.03.2011 16:28:07 system: Operating system: Windows 7 ver 6.1, build 7601, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1] SERVER x64
24.03.2011 16:28:07 system: Memory: 44% load. Phys:2314900/4193848K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:2025508/2097024K free
24.03.2011 16:28:07 system: Computer WinName: TEST-EXCH-01
24.03.2011 16:28:07 system: Windows Net User: TESTBZW\Administrator
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage "C:\Users\ADMINI~1.TES\AppData\Local\Temp\2\" /managed  /srcpath "C:\Users\ADMINI~1.TES\Desktop" /sfxname "setup_av_pro_managed"
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: DldSrc set to sfx
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
24.03.2011 16:28:07 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=8.0.7601.17514
24.03.2011 16:28:07 general: Error:Your operating system does not meet the requirements. This edition of avast! cannot be installed on Windows Server.

it tells me its windows 7 machine SERVER  (which should be Windows 2008 R2 Server)
PS: Why is there a check on the internet explorer version? What is determined with this version? The browser version should be of no relevance for setup ?

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 04:50:24 PM by wpn »

Victor Max

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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2011, 01:43:25 PM »

I've followed the advice of "doctornotor" and downloaded and installed SQL 2008 R2 Express from the Microsoft Website and after the succesfull installation i've installed RBC Beta with no errors at all.
The only thing is that the management console sees all the connected computers/server but it will not install the required protection software.

Thanks for the suppport...


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2011, 02:14:41 PM »
hi victor

see my postings above about the installing part...
its a lot of reading but maybe you get some ideas from it :)


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2011, 02:21:06 PM »
I've followed the advice of "doctornotor" and downloaded and installed SQL 2008 R2 Express from the Microsoft Website and after the succesfull installation i've installed RBC Beta with no errors at all.

Thanks for the suppport...

Good that it worked. The installer needs quite some polishing.  ;)


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2011, 01:33:30 PM »
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: StartSetup
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: Connecting
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: OpenSCManager error 5 (Access is denied.

03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: OpenSCMImpersonated
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: AdjustTokenPrivileges return 1300
03/24/11 15:17:00:   TEST-EXCH-01: LogonUser administrator testbzw.local error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.


Your administrator account does not have the "Log on as service" right. (I think this is defualt windows setting after Win7/Win2k8 so you have to change the default config...).

See more at


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2011, 10:42:38 PM »
i will check this later this week, the article you refer to is for windows 2000 but ill give it a try :)

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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2011, 09:58:59 AM »
I am need to know, if right now i use the beta release and when newest version was release. Do i need to uninstall then reinstall the SBC and the client version?
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit + avast Premium 11.1.2241
Network tools: Wireshark+CACE Pilot | Android Softphone + Grandstream UCM61xx | MI4i | Running Out of Time (1999)


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Re: Early beta released...
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2011, 12:08:16 PM »
Dont count on it that the SBC will update itself from beta to RTM.
Maybe the beta clients can be updated from the RTM console but also that should not be counted on.

Are you planning on installing this beta right now in production ??
!!!do not install this beta software in a production enviroment!!!