Hi Dieselman
Good afternoon.
Yes, Rkill killed the XP SECURITY 2011 virus. At least, appears to. I renamed it as teste.com and I could run it under Windows XP infected. With name rkill.com, I couldn't.
I did the full scan with Malwarebytes, as you advised, and hundreds of malwares were detected and killed also. Most were from the same source. But, one, named grpconv.exe was found the system32 folder.
After this process, my Windows didn't open any *.exe program, complaining that didn't know how to open rundll32.exe. After googling a little, I found a program "exefix_xp.com" that fixed this issue instantly.
Looks like that now all is ok.
Thank you very much and to Essexboy also, for your kind support.
Best Regards
Sergio Kamakura