Since you guys are discussing HIPS and Behavior Blocker, can you tell me the difference between the two? My take on it is that HIPS is a dumbed down behavior blocker. Behavior blocker has logic in it that will automatically make decisions for the user and HIPS has a learning curve which requires user interaction and knowledge and creates a whitelist of programs. Seems like they tend to do much of the same thing but use a different method of handling things.
BTW, I like HIPS better due to the fact that I can see what is making changes to my system and I get to make the decisions. Also, the popups decrease over time as the whitelist is created. Kind of similar to a firewall in learning mode. I also have my firewall set to "ask". With a behavior blocker I have no idea what the underlying logic is so I have more trust in using a HIPS program.
Hope you can shed some light on this. There seems to be confusion everywhere you look on the differences.