1. Avast needs to start identifying the installer file as a Beta in the file name
yes, because too many people don't read or understand Vlk's posts... although it's crystal clear
2. Avast needs to start identifying the release as Beta in the GUI.
yes, same reason as above.
3. The forum needs to set up a Beta thread that users have to opt into in their profile in order to get to the Beta release download links.
there's already a beta thread. We're now talking about pre-release versions of Avast, not betas really.
. Eliminate GUI updates for Betas.
as said that's needed to test updating abilities of the build, and once you're on the beta channel, you expect beta updates, nothing wrong about that. >>> people who are not on the beta channel, ie people who didn't download and install the first beta manually and purposely have nothing to gear from beta updates: as they won't happen. Having to state something so obvious for the nth time is sort of... okay
5. Put up a big disclaimer and warning right above the installer links, not a one sentence comment about the release being a Beta release.
yes okay, although Vlk again makes it clear that the build is a pre-release.