Author Topic: New to Forum with Trojan question  (Read 8254 times)

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New to Forum with Trojan question
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:39:55 PM »

Just found this forum doing google search for an issue.  I opened my Internet Explorer this morning and got a Malware warning.  Actually, quite a few of them. After closing my IE window, the malware window continued to pop up and then Advast window saying I should do a system scan with reboot.  I did that and I got this:

C\Windows\system\RCDSETUP.EXE   Sys\OCXSETUP.WS4 Error 42145 Installer archeive is corrupt.   C:\Windows|Jcovuju.dat   infected HTML:Fakewarn-A [Trj]

Hopefully, I got that right.  I'm on my husband's computer in another room and copied the info to search it on line.  I run Windows XP.

Of course, the Advast scan asks what to do with these files (delete, move to chest...) and I have absolutely no idea.  I thought move all to chest and then I get the next question - Are you sure? This is a Windows folder.  At that point, I started doing research and arrived here.

I appreciate any help I can get to fix this issue.

Thank you.


Raveen Kool

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 06:57:53 PM »

Offline CraigB

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 07:06:35 PM »
Maybe this will help....
Rav Kool that is not going to help the OP whatsoever, you are obviously out of your depth in this part of the forum and should refrain from posting reply's to post's here.
mehhouse please wait for help from one of the malware experts.

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 07:37:03 PM »
Hi there lets have a quick look see - two programmes to run - both analysis

Download aswMBR.exe ( 511KB ) to your desktop.
Double click the aswMBR.exe to run it
Click the "Scan" button to start scan

On completion of the scan click save log, save it to your desktop and post in your next reply


Download OTS to your Desktop and double-click on it to run it
  • Make sure you close all other programs and don't use the PC while the scan runs.
  • Select All Users
  • Under additional scans select the following
Reg - Disabled MS Config Items
Reg - Drivers32
Reg - NetSvcs
Reg - SafeBoot Minimal
Reg - Shell Spawning
Evnt - EventViewer Logs (Last 10 Errors)
File - Lop Check

  • Under the Custom Scan box paste this in
%systemroot%\*. /mp /s
hklm\software\clients\startmenuinternet|command /rs
hklm\software\clients\startmenuinternet|command /64 /rs

  • Now click the Run Scan button on the toolbar. Make sure not to use the PC while the program is running or it will freeze.
  • When the scan is complete Notepad will open with the report file loaded in it.
  • Please attach the log in your next post.


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 09:20:46 PM »
When I closed out of the Avast system scan the computer booted up to a Windows XP recovery window with 11 critical errors.  It asks to do a error recovery.  I also get a pop up window stating Hard drive failure.  One or more problems with installed IDE/SATA.

Should I reboot and start it in the safe mode?  I have to look up how to do that again.


Offline essexboy

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 09:35:20 PM »
OK that sounds like it may be the hard drive malware

Could you run OTS from safe mode please along with aswMBR.  Do not delete or empty any temporary folders until I clear it, as this malware removes all shortcuts from the desktop and start menu and places them in a temporary folder   

To get to safe mode

Reboot the computer and immediately and repeatedly press F8

Once the menu comes up select safe mode with networking


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 10:53:56 PM »
When I get to the safe mode, the screen is black.  I can't run the program from the desktop because there isn't one.  Can I run it directly from my thumb drive?  Sorry if the questions sound stupid but I'd rather ask now then do something that we have to do a lot of backttracking.  In the past when in the safe mode, I had a desktop which basically looked just like my regular bootup.


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2011, 11:14:43 PM »
Yes run it from the USB - the log will probably be saved there for attaching

If that should fail to run then do the following from normal mode please. This will kill but not remove the malware as I need to proceed cautiously with this one, but it should then allow OTS to run 

Download RogueKiller to your desktop
  • Quit all running programs
  • For Vista/Seven, right click -> run as administrator, for XP simply run RogueKiller.exe
  • When prompted, type 1 and validate
  • The RKreport.txt shall be generated next to the executable.
  • If the program is blocked, do not hesitate to try several times. If it really does not work (it could happen), rename it to winlogon.exe 

Please post the contents of the RKreport.txt in your next Reply.

Then run OTS as previously


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2011, 12:44:55 AM »
Attaching the first scan txt file.  Sorry I'm so slow doing this.  Bought a new laptop to work this issue out on older laptop.  I'll run OTS and post that file afterwards.

Offline CraigB

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2011, 01:06:20 AM »
You'll have time to do it as essexboy probably wont be back on the forum untill tonight again, tonight for me anyway  :) but dont worrie he will continue with you.


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 01:14:40 AM »
Attached the OTS scan file.

Offline essexboy

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 09:14:40 PM »
OK two to run the first is to ensure that nothing is in the wrong place with regards to files and folder shortcuts

Download and run Unhide from here

Once that has done its thing then run this OTS fix

Start OTS. Copy/Paste the information in the quotebox below into the panel where it says "Paste fix here" and then click the Run Fix button.

Code: [Select]
[Unregister Dlls]
[Win32 Services - Safe List]
YY -> (Symantec Core LC) Symantec Core LC [Disabled | Stopped] -> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC\symlcsvc.exe
[Registry - Safe List]
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > ->
YN -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\: URLSearchHooks\\"{A3BC75A2-1F87-4686-AA43-5347D756017C}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key error. [Reg Error: Key error.]
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > ->
YN -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\: URLSearchHooks\\"{A3BC75A2-1F87-4686-AA43-5347D756017C}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key error. [Reg Error: Key error.]
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-963639892-2221179514-3766738458-1005\] > ->
YN -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-963639892-2221179514-3766738458-1005\: "ProxyServer" -> http=
< FireFox Extensions [Program Folders] > ->
[Registry - Additional Scans - Safe List]
< Disabled MSConfig Services [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\services
YN -> "Symantec Core LC" ->
[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]
NY ->  Windows XP Recovery -> C:\Documents and Settings\Lori\Start Menu\Programs\Windows XP Recovery
NY ->  TLxbxUUdsBf.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TLxbxUUdsBf.exe
[Files/Folders - Modified Within 30 Days]
NY ->  ~19062564r -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\~19062564r
NY ->  ~19062564 -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\~19062564
NY ->  Windows XP Recovery.lnk -> C:\Documents and Settings\Lori\Desktop\Windows XP Recovery.lnk
NY ->  19062564 -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\19062564
NY ->  19062564.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\19062564.exe
NY ->  TLxbxUUdsBf.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TLxbxUUdsBf.exe
NY ->  PerfectOptimizer_home.job -> C:\WINDOWS\tasks\PerfectOptimizer_home.job
[Files - No Company Name]
NY ->  ~19062564r -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\~19062564r
NY ->  ~19062564 -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\~19062564
NY ->  Windows XP Recovery.lnk -> C:\Documents and Settings\Lori\Desktop\Windows XP Recovery.lnk
NY ->  19062564 -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\19062564
NY ->  19062564.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\19062564.exe

The fix should only take a very short time. When the fix is completed a message box will popup telling you that it is finished. Click the Ok button and Notepad will open with a log of actions taken during the fix.  Post that information back here

I will review the information when it comes back in.


Could you run and attach a fresh OTS scan please


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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2011, 04:51:44 PM »
Sorry for the delay.  I'm sick.  Anyways, I d/l Unhide but there is no link for the OTS program you want me to run or is it the same one as before?


Offline Pondus

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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2011, 05:05:59 PM »
Sorry for the delay.  I'm sick.  Anyways, I d/l Unhide but there is no link for the OTS program you want me to run or is it the same one as before?



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Re: New to Forum with Trojan question
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2011, 05:43:49 PM »
Here's the Fix text file.  I'll run the OTS scan and attach the file afterwards.
