I didn't place this post to start any arguments. I simply wanted to know if anyone had expierenced my problem and knew of a way to work around this issue. The facts I stated before are still true. With Avast installed on my system, and disabled every way I can find to disable it and all other programs shut down I can not install
http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?product=58381&os=228&lang=en&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&softwareitem=sj664enin regular mode or safe mode. When I uninstall Avast I can install this program. The only other program I have had difficulty installing with Avast loaded is Asus PC Probe
http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3301.html . All other software, ie MS Office 2003, Firefox, Roxio 7, Quicken 2005 etc, installs with out a hitch.
You asked what error message I was getting, the answer is none. I put the cd in my drive, the autorun tries to launch the program, I get the HP picture on my screen and in a few seconds it just goes away and quits trying to install.
I dilligently try to keep all my drivers and bios up to date, I know of no newer drivers or bios upgrades which are available for my system which I have not performed.