Does the build fixed the firefox UI bug on the webrep vote page ? There the corners that is strange...
Also if you didnt notified when surfing the UI of avast! you can notice at the scan logs the scroll bar isnt complete.
Maybe you should verify the bug i mentioned long time ago for that icon Delete glitch and exclusions you can notice in down when you got some exclusions there little black things. Also there others which i dont remember happaned too...
PS : Is it normal that translations for most languages are not yet finished in the website for all languages excepted English like where you see that Mac Edition or Server Edition and others products with old 4.8 versions... ?
I dont know if it is fixed yet but its worth to be checked. Other way nice job avast! your a good business keep continue. You can say that you protected alot worldwide people and you should be very happy.
avast! Internet Security 6.0 - French