Hi Mo0nwalker,
Of course it is an interesting question, but a much more important question would be how to prevent rootkits from landing on your system, one ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.
Limiting a full account will help enormously towards that goal, and run an install inside the avast sandbox whenever in doubt and shun from dubious downloads and pre-scan others. Use EMET on the software you use.
Regularly check your OS and third party software for the latest updates and upgrades (use secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/online/ ). Whenever using a browser use in-browser security (malcious script blocking etc.)(NotScripts, BetterPopupBlocker, Blocker 0.2. and NOREF extensions installed in GoogleChrome browser for instance), use avast fully updated, MBAM and SAS non-residential, a firewal, if you are into P2P-ing, which activities are being frowned upon by certain parties, be extra carefull and run a bootable AV cd to double check every now and then, but staying clear of unsafe Internet practices might be the best piece of advice there is to prevent that your original question even has to enter your head. So watch your clicks and stay safe and secure in the digital world,
P.S. For reading on your initital question, see this link:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/sysinternals/bb897445.aspx by By Bryce Cogswell and Mark Russinovich
Version 1.7 of that software downloads from here: