MBRCheck.exe once again.
You will be presented with the following dialog:
Found non-standard or infected MBR.
Enter 'Y' and hit ENTER for more options, or 'N' to exit:
Y and press
The following dialog will be presented:
[1] Dump the MBR of a physical disk to file.
[2] Restore the MBR of a physical disk with a standard boot code.
[3] Exit.
Enter your choice:
Enter 2 and press
Enter The following dialog will be presented:
Enter the physical disk number to fix (0-99, -1 to cancel):
Enter >>0<< and press
Enter The following dialog will be presented:
Available MBR codes:
[ 0] Default (Windows XP)
[ 1] Windows XP
[ 2] Windows Server 2003
[ 3] Windows Vista
[ 4] Windows 2008
[ 5] Windows 7
[-1] Cancel
Please select the MBR code to write to this drive:
Enter >>1<< and press
Enter The following dialog will be presented:
Do you want to fix the MBR code? Type 'YES' and hit ENTER to continue:
YES and press
Enter (Must type the full word, YES). You will be inform if successfully wrote a new MBR code!
And last the following dialog will be presented:
Done! Press ENTER to exit...
Enter. A report will be produced on the desktop. Post that report in your next reply.