im a customer of avast because im using gdata(engine b) and gdata is using avast! engine and people using gdata are your customers as well because your product is in there. think of as econ lesson
Sorry but you are a customer of GData that is who you paid your money to. GData is a customer of avast, having licensed whatever avast engine they choose and signature updates, etc.
I think you have flunked economics 101:
Example - You purchase an OEM copy of windows7 OS when you buy your new system. That OEM copy of win7 is cheaper than a Retail copy of win7 as MS don't provide direct support for the OEM versions, that is provided by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) under the license agreement they have with MS to purchase/create OEM copies of the OS.
Microsoft's part in the deal is they Provide OS fixes and Security Updates, etc. support is provided by the OEM/reseller.
This is no different to your situation.