I asked what element you stopped and gave suggestions on which to stop based on your method of collecting email, web mail view through browser, stop the web shield, email viewed/downloaded through an email program, stop the mail shield.
This stops you going on-line with all your protection disabled, browsing in the nude.
To start with the Web Shield doesn't monitor HTTPS (secure encrypted) connection to keep prying eyes out.
I used your link to log on to my BT email account, which is handled by Yahoo and I had no problem with the log in and then it redirects to my email account, which is an HTTP page (image1) and monitoring the web shield traffic being scanned there is no scan of the https link you gave and the http page contents get scanned, image2.
So it is working as expected for me with the Web Shield (and all shields) enabled. On firefox 5.0 which you think is cr*p
What is your firewall ?
Do you have any privacy function/feature in the firewall or another application that does that ?