Author Topic: Unindexed files in the chest  (Read 1416 times)

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Unindexed files in the chest
« on: August 14, 2011, 10:45:04 PM »
So, I was moving things to the virus chest the other day...a LOT of things (Almost entirely HTML files that had a line added that for some reason couldn't be repaired) and the computer bluescreened and rebooted (Completely unrelated to any virus activity).

This has left me with over 80,000 files (750+ megs) of non-indexed, and thus non-deleteable files. Is there any way to get rid of them without booting with FreeDOS or something to bypass any possible file protections? I'd rather not uninstall and reinstall Avast just to get rid of these...

EDIT: Note to clarify that the chest in Avast is empty, and the index.xml file is similarly nearly empty. Yet there are over 80,000 hex-numbered files in the /chest directory.