A few days after updating from AIS 5 to AIS 6 (uninstalled 5 and installed 6 from scratch) on one computer with Vista I noticed Windows Scripting was broken.
Symptoms were MSI installer error 2738 (inaccessible custom VBScript actions) and broken Windows Update. After checking the corresponding registry keys under CLSID, I noticed the (Default) value of the InprocServer32 was still pointing to the old install folder of AIS 5 (Alwil Software\Avast 5\AhAScr.dll) instead of the new one (Avast Software\Avast\AhAScr.dll), after fixing this (had to turn off selfprotection and take ownership of the key), scripting started working again.
Curiously, this Avast entry isn't present on any of my W7 machines, it's directly pointing to vbscript.dll, is the script blocking done differently on W7?