Hello to you all.
First,I would like to thank the avast team for developing such a great antivirus without any charge for its users.
My question is: how can I set avast to autoscan downloaded files in applications like download managers,such as Orbit downloader?I mean, on the antivirus tab there are 3 fields:
1st- antivirus executable path(I don't know whether it's AvastUI.exe or ashQuick.exe or neither of them);
2nd-it asks for some parameters, I don't know what to fill in with;
3nd-it displays some file extensions to be scanned,like .exe, .com, .bat and compressed formats.
Which .exe shall I select and what is "parameters" field good for?
Before I forget, all modules are turned on and on maximum sensibility.
BTW,Sorry for English.