Thanks David for the reply.
Anyway, the point is I have no issues before when I run 2 scans at the same time till now. Also even when I run only folder scan now it takes me more than 3-4 hours and still see no end to the process.
Something must be wrong either with the program or my computer.
Avast is the only security software U use beside Windows Defender that was pre-installed.
It really is hard to say what might have changed on your system, as we know so little about it. OS, RAM, CPU, the quantity of data being scanned and if archives are being scanned. One major area is when this happened and what changed about that time, e.g. update from one version of avast to another, installation or update of other software, etc. ?
Personally I would disable windows defender, since it is a resident process there could be interaction between it and the scans. I have never been a fan of windows defender as I don't believe it brings much to the party. So when I bought my Acer win7 netbook to find it pre-installed in win7 I was pi**ed and more so when I found it 'couldn't be uninstalled,' only disabled I was even more pi**ed.
Then I would see if that made a difference, but I would certainly drop the multiple scans at the same time. Try just the Quick scan and see how long that takes, try the Full system scan on its own and see how long that takes (you would then have a comparison against how long it takes in the multi scan scenario). Lastly you could try Pondus's suggestion to use the avast screensaver scan to do a rolling scan.
You don't say if you are also scanning archives (packers) nor if you have the Performance, scan priority set to High or more importantly what the persistent cache settings are. Yes you should use the persistent cache, but it is important to also Store data in the persistent cache, as that is how it gets populated to help speed scans.
Honestly I have no idea what persistent cache settings are, but I use all the default setting of Avast.
The default setting is not to store data about scanned files in the persistent cache, so certain files that may have been added to the persistent cache won't be, so don't contribute to speeding up future scans, See image, I have mine on).
See image2 extract of avast Help Center about the persistent cache.