@ naren17
It is enabled in most of the on-access shields and not in others and for on-demand scans by it is off by default in the pre-defined scans, but you can enable it but it isn't essential. I believe it is on in the web shield, mail shield and it is in the file system shield. I don't use P2P or IM applications, so don't have those shields installed.
- With a resident on-access antivirus like avast, the need for frequent on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part the on-demand scan is going to be scanning files that would be otherwise be dormant or inert. If they were active files then the on-access file system shield would be scanning them before being created, modified, opened or executed.
So it isn't so critical in an on-demand scan.
So before launching into this Poll, you should have investigated the avast resident, on-access shield settings. See image extract from the help file as this is common to most of the resident shields.
I hate polls, waste of time and effort, as this poll is invalid as you can't ask a yes no answer when the resident (important) shields are enabled and the on-demand (not-essential, for inert, dormant files) scan is off by default.