WOT(a FF extension known as Web Of Trust) found the website ok and not untrusted, so that's the one I used, I'd not steer a person to a bad site.
So the election of both. the site to download from and the specific version you "recommended" are almost random. Hey, why not try version 5.0.889 then?
Since I don't exactly know what part of Avast 6.0.1289 is/was disabling My wireless connection I won't Thank You very much. Fix that and I will, until then, I won't.
So, once again, YOU have a problem, that may or may not be the same as the one presented here in this topic, with no real proof of almost anything, and you still don't know what exactly is wrong (in YOUR system), yet you blindly "recommend" to others, instead of testing which part of Avast, if any, is having some conflict.
About thanking "me", you shouldn't, not now, not later. I am not a member of Avast Team, so no orders (nor requests) to fix anything either.
Then what would disable a wireless device countermanding My efforts to enable one device to be usable? In My thread no one has answered that question, the answer is as plain as the nose on Yer face, Avast 6.0.1289. I do not feel like repeating Myself here.
That's great. So, no answer for you in your topic, and you still don't know what is wrong, and you don't really want to even test it to provide some real information to the developers, so you decided to post some random "recommendations" here. We agree: you shouldn't repeat yourself.
You "could" have asked in your original topic, instead, if your problem might have something in common with this topic.
Please, let's stop this OT. Keep your posts in your original topic, providing *there* real information of what you already did to narrow down the problem. Or, continue using version 6.0.1000 if you want to (but without blindly "recommending" it to others).
Thank you.