this beeping sound is still there...only when running a FULL
rootkit scan...tried unloading avast, ran 3 progs. to clear
out any previous avs, ran aswclear to clean out avast,
did clean install of avast 6.0.1289...
setup custom scan in avast to scan only rootkits(full scan)
setup batch file using ashcmd pointing to /@custom scan
ran scan with rootkits(full scan) & beep SOUNDS again...
changed custom scan to scan only rootkits(quick scan)
ran scan again & no beep...
this only occurs when running avast, & only when using a batch file with ashcmd.exe...does not occur when running the same scan in gui...
would someone be kind enough to setup scan as i did
and see if you have same problem...
this is driving me nuts...
have to know where problem is...
appreciate any of your efforts...
many thanks..