Author Topic: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!  (Read 30373 times)

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2011, 08:07:28 PM »
And there's one major plus for avast which I suspect the "tests" don't even consider, the support factor.  I don't think there's a single competitor which can come even close to the support forums here.

+1 :)

1000% agree with you. Unbelievable support from highly qualified, computer savy folks. 8)

Offline jadinolf

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2011, 12:24:38 AM »
I must say that I am a little worried to read that my favorite antivirus program is not protecting me.
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true indian

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2011, 04:24:52 AM »
It is protecting u this is just a sudden down fall in avast results they will be back at their position keep faith in avast!  ;D


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2011, 06:06:15 AM »
Even though I myself use Ubuntu, as far as I am concerned, AV Comparatives apparently do not have the certification to validate their test results. avast! has been good and always will be. Do not be fooled by this one-time bad result into thinking avast! has failed you. Comodo has also scored bad, but they're demanding AV Comparatives' test results to be audited by a third party auditor, and they're willing to even pay for the cost. For some reason, AV Comparatives is refusing to have the results audited. I don't know who is at fault here. It's either avast! and Comodo both did poorly, or AV Comparatives has something shady going on behind the closed doors. Comodo is complaining that AV Comparatives get funded by the AV vendors and therefore, the test results may be skewed or tampered. I do not think an independent testing company should receive its fundings from the vendors it's testing the products of. I personally think it does sound fishy. If they really need the money, they could run advertisements on their web site or stick the ads into their report as they always do. Nonetheless, I trust avast!, and that's why I installed it on my mom's computer. Unlike Comodo, avast! is very user friendly which puts it ahead of the other guys. Do not be tempted to switch!!!

true indian

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2011, 06:34:11 AM »
thanks! eko_mn for your confirmation i trsut avast and not going to switch it with another ITS MY BEST AV!


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2011, 02:27:08 PM »
I must say that I am a little worried to read that my favorite antivirus program is not protecting me.
Why do you say that ???

You have AIS 6.0.1367 SAS Pro, MBAM Pro, Spyware Blaster 4.5 protecting you.  :)

Offline rnuis

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #36 on: December 24, 2011, 02:49:15 PM »
It is protecting u this is just a sudden down fall in avast results they will be back at their position keep faith in avast!  ;D

But a Antivus programm should protect u the whole year and a sometimes in the year or am i wrong  ??? , if you make a antivirus then you should keep ure user protected the whole year and NOT put all the time in making the Mobile Security!
Avast internet security 2015 10.0.2208 , MBAM 2.03 ,Firefox 33.03
Windows 8.1 Pro 32Bit


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AIS/SAS has Very Poor test Results too...!
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2011, 04:23:42 AM »
You have AIS 6.0.1367 SAS Pro, MBAM Pro, Spyware Blaster 4.5 protecting you.  :)

1. AIS Failed at hxxp:// ,
scoring only "15%/ 3 out of 10" on Firewall Leak Tests (allows data... to sneak by/transmit).
  a. PC-Tools IS "firewall" scored well (9 of 10), but their anti-virus causes a Serious performance slowdown & low detection rate (cnet review).

2. SAS failed all 4 of their tests at another site/Compromised.


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Re: AIS/SAS has Very Poor test Results too...!
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2011, 04:35:25 AM »
You have AIS 6.0.1367 SAS Pro, MBAM Pro, Spyware Blaster 4.5 protecting you.  :)
1. AIS Failed at hxxp:// ,
scoring only "15%/ 3 out of 10" on Firewall Leak Tests (allows data... to sneak by/transmit).
  a. PC-Tools IS "firewall" scored well (9 of 10), but their anti-virus causes a Serious performance slowdown & low detection rate (cnet review).
2. SAS failed all 4 of their tests at another site/Compromised.
Thank you for citing truly irrelevant testing.  However, this is about AV comparatives results.


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2011, 08:34:47 AM »
Well, I won't blame AV comparatives, since I have tested many AV, they have very accurate results by the way I had similar results to theirs, but yes, they are just tests, and tests can't be accurate when we talk about day to day usage, world common use of the computer, but yes if you go to mdl, malc0de, scumware, malwareP, and you start testing zero day files, well you may get a different result than what you were expecting, where high heuristics will have advantage to signature based and etc. As I said, its all about usage, if you work at a very dangerous environment then you may need some very good behavior shield and very high heuristics system, at the cost of some fake alerts, and of course even so, you won't be safe at all ; ) in my case I use two different av who can work at the same time with no problem, but cmon, for real usage go for Avast! for real ; ) best best, trust me, I have tested many suites so I know what I'm talking about.


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2012, 07:14:59 AM »
I have used Avast on my computers since about the time it came out when Norton had 90% of the security market.  I always recommended it until recently.

I have a computer service business and I am switching my customers off of Avast.  I setup a small business this week with 7 computers on Kapsersky Small Business security. I have seen in my business too many computers becoming infected while running Avast.  Very often the infections begin with a rogue security program or online "optimizer"  (snake oil) which Avast allows to be installed.  These programs then let the flood gates open to all kinds of other infections.  Avast has simply let me down too many times in the last year.

true indian

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2012, 07:25:22 AM »
I have used Avast on my computers since about the time it came out when Norton had 90% of the security market.  I always recommended it until recently.

I have a computer service business and I am switching my customers off of Avast.  I setup a small business this week with 7 computers on Kapsersky Small Business security. I have seen in my business too many computers becoming infected while running Avast.  Very often the infections begin with a rogue security program or online "optimizer"  (snake oil) which Avast allows to be installed.  These programs then let the flood gates open to all kinds of other infections.  Avast has simply let me down too many times in the last year.

Hello sys-eng,

please keep a note avast! free antivirus is just for home users and not for commercial purposes... :P

why not try avast business security


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2012, 02:27:06 PM »
 Indian, I don't see where he stated what version he was using. Did you??
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 02:29:40 PM by jwa »


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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2012, 03:39:29 PM »
Hello sys-eng,

please keep a note avast! free antivirus is just for home users and not for commercial purposes... :P

why not try avast business security

I was referring to both the free version and pro version for customers.  I have been running the Pro version for about 5 years.  The story is the same - - Avast is not stopping rogue security programs and optimizers.  This is the majority of infections I see.

I am not going to promote avast business security for home users to "try" to get better protection.

Avast is just not keeping up. Symantec/Norton was great then they declined for about 5 years and now the latest versions are among the best.  Security companies must constantly work at staying ahead of the bad guys.

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Latest AV-Comparatives: avast last but one!
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2012, 05:10:32 PM »
Avast is not stopping rogue security programs and optimizers.  This is the majority of infections I see.
Well, it should if it is really an infection.
The nature of rogue is the most difficult to detect. It could be legit and it could be rogue.
Not the majority of the optimizers and tweaks are rogue afaik.

Security companies must constantly work at staying ahead of the bad guys.
And what makes you think we're not? ;)
The best things in life are free.