but it not me going to cast a bad spell against you it will be god that cast a bad spell against you Gargamel360 for bullying a person thats haves autism
Seriously, this is totally OT, and the last time I am going to respond to you, ever, unless you use Avast! and have a problem you need help with.
I was raised by a disabled person....and I understand autism....I
know very well the difficulties you face.
I also know very well disabled people have a habit of getting headstrong about pushing their barriers.
If you came here for help with Avast!, I would totally make concessions for you, try to fix your problem. I might even be nice about it. You deserve no less.
But that is not what you do. You do not even use Avast!, and you come here repeatedly with nothing but negative to say about Avast!, with little or nothing to back it up. You come across as very rude, pushy, and demanding, and people are going to respond to that negatively. This starts a battle of words and opinions. Not the best battleground for someone with autism.
To give you a metaphor, you are the equivalent of a paraplegic trying to compete in the Olympics.....it just does not work, that is why they have the Special Olympics.
I understand autism
in no way limits your intelligence, just your ability to learn and communicate. And as a disabled person, you are free to push your barriers....but there are some things that are always going to be limited in.
I'm sorry if I offended you, but as I said, when you push your barriers, things don't get easier, they get harder, you have to learn to expect this......and crying "I'm disabled"
after you start something is too late, nor does it give you a free license to do as you please.