For what it's worth...It is the general consensus that both bills are DOA.
It is highly likely both SOPA and PIPA will not survive either chamber of our disconnected and pathetic Congress.
After all we have the worst congress money can buy.
Oh no, not dead at all. Shelved. Thats different altogether. Shelved just means they probably wont push it through without changing it.
Problem is, I doubt they can re-write it enough to fix what ails it. Its core idea (govt. control of what you can see/hear) is the problem.
Normally I am against user tracking....but if I had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, I would let myself be tracked all over the Web, as an alternative to this censorship approach. I don't care if my govt. wants to know what I look at or download.....its when they want to decide for me that I get indignant.