Foxit Reader 5.0(.1.0523)
Change log and download:
After a very long stint with Foxit PDF reader, I have now abandoned it. It has gone over to the dark said with the ASK toolbar business, there is no way to uncheck the ASK toolbar and Search, etc. and continue with the installation.
Despite unchecking both ASK options, there is a text notice (the small print which I didn't twig first time round) stating that by clicking the Next button you are agreeing to the ASK cr*p. So it got installed despite my not wanting it.
So it has been uninstalled completely on both my systems, looking for another non-bloated, simple freeware PDF reader (don't bother with Adobe, that was why I was on Foxit). Giving PDF-Xchange 4.0 Lite (and the Viewer), which to me doesn't appear too lite.