I have XP SP3, Comodo Free Firewall (V5.10.228257.2253), and Avast V7.0.1426 installed, and, like some other users, found that while these 2 security apps appeared to work OK in XP's Primary User Account, in a Limited User Account conflicts caused some apps and/or XP itself to lock up, requiring a hard PC reboot to get out of.
(See thread
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=97199.0 Subject: Re: Near total Freeze after update to 7.0.1426 )
Ran various configuration tests and found that:
(1) turning off or uninstalling either of those 2 security apps ends the freezing problems.
(2) if Comodo's Behavior Settings, separate for the Firewall and Defense+, are both set to Safe Mode or higher, then the freeze problems occur; however, if either one or both are set one notch lower to Training Mode, then no freeze-ups occur.
This is a somewhat lower level of safety, so, until Avast Support comes out with a fix, users might want to consider switching to a different firewall. I read that some time ago Avast had to engineer a conflict fix for the ZoneAlarm free firewall, so perhaps ZA will also work for Avast V7. I don't know if ZA is as secure as Comodo.
I tried to submit a submit a problem ticket to Comodo Support, but that part of their site appeared to be down - it kept asking for registration and the process went in circles, never allowing a ticket to be sent.